Monday, November 13, 2006


Have you had "just one of those days" where you are so tired, unenergetic, low in patience tolerance, feel like the harder you try the painful it feels? Yeah that is one of those days I was having today. It definitly had its ups and downs. Moments that were amazing, especially with little Leigha. We had fun making tunnels with the couch cushions, enjoyed making peanut butter, chocolat chip cookies, and just giggling whenever we could. But then she would frusterate me beyond anything by refusing to go potty and peeing her pants (even though she has been successful trained for nearly a year...well in 3 months), whinning when she wants something, pushing Josiah over and hurting him, not eating her meals yet saying she is hungry... "I wanna snack"! urgh! Little Josiah is always a pleasure, but like days today, he is picky with his meals, wants to get into EVERYTHING, and creates havoc! I love him to death, and when he smiles and laughs, my heart swells up in a way I could never really describe. Merci...well, your typical 12 year old girl. Wants things, doesn't seem to appreciate it, but then there are these moments where she delights me because its like, yeah...there you go, now you are getting it. She can be so helpful on one hand, but then on the other create a lot of stress. Dave isn't feeling very well, and that is always hard on me because I know he cannot give it his all...and I want to give him extra rest, but then it is just one of those days. I found myself sleeping in this morning, letting him get up with the kids. I took my time getting ready, hardly got much done around the house, had a nice hour nap (when Dave got home), and then been kindof lazying around...just one of those days.


At 12:00 a.m., Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thanks so much for the beautiful prayer that you left on our family blog. I cried as I read it - knowing that the words came straight from your heart. We visited the girls tonight, and they are still in critical condition. Faith has a blood infection and Makaila has a lung infection. So, your prayers are desperately needed.
We miss you and Dave deeply, and look forward to seeing you again soon. I hope that your tomorrow is less frustrating with your kids. May God continue to give you the strength that you need each passing day.

love Karyn

At 6:36 a.m., Blogger Miss-buggy said...

I totally think I get what you mean!! One of those days. I hate having one of those days.
Sending hugs.
Hope today is better for you.

At 4:35 p.m., Blogger David McVety said...

But, we we're in it together right? So, when you have one of those days I can step up and then maybe we can switch the next day!
Anyway, I love you beautiful.

Your husband


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